The COVID19 pandemic is a serious challenge for business, in particular, for crisis management. What steps did you take immediately after the outbreak of the epidemic?

After the pandemic started, we immediately adapted to any recommendations from the authorities, in particular, to social distancing. I extended the term between the shifts and stayed permanently in touch with the National Public Health Agency. We are an international company, and every step we take can be seen by the whole world. People often do not consider the dangers of this virus. Examples actually work best. For instance, I am currently hospitalized with this virus. As I contracted it at the factory, I was pleasantly surprised to find out that no other person I had worked with was diagnosed with it, especially those from the administration who had permanently been in touch with me. That means that simply keeping social distance and complying with elementary cautions can protect you from the virus. Wearing a mask radically changes the situation and prevents tragic consequences.

Many people joke about the virus; but even if you do not believe in this virus, the virus believes in you, though it may sound tragic. It is a serious problem, it is a global issue.

How has the pandemic influenced the manufacturing process?

During the pandemic, we re-profiled ourselves for sewing masks and making visors for export. We also supplied them for the domestic market, but the amounts requested here are insignificant. There are two types of development following the pandemic, one at the factory level in Moldova, and another one at the group level. In Moldova, we are mostly focused on traditional products we have to supply for the group. Our staff is used to it, and this is why our productivity has not decreased.
We currently have some orders just for manufacturing some safety stocks. More than that the wave of mask manufacturing is already decreasing. Many have switched their profiles in time, and many have already replenished their stocks. In fact, you need to purchase equipment for mass production, and if you cannot regain your investment there is no point in starting the process.

What are further forecasts for the investment you manage?

I feel very optimistic about the recovery from the pandemic. It depends only on our ability to work and having the right number of employees. This is because we have enough orders. It is a relevant factor. And the people we have to train to help them reach the full potential of this workforce are another one. From our part, we expect more massive investments to emerge. We intend to expand into other categories of services. For instance, the cutting subdivision using high-performance laser equipment is supposed to be moved to Moldova. The investment in equipment alone exceeds 600 000 Euros. If we face this challenge brilliantly and prove that we have our reserves for growth, qualified specialists, and quality here in Moldova, we will continue expanding and increasing the number of jobs.
We expect to return to 90% of the amount of our potential in August. The amount of orders has also increased. They refer to our regular products, not visors or masks.
What kind of support would you need to overcome the negative impact of the COVID-19 pandemic?

I am eager to get rid of the syndrome of leaving Moldova as fast as we can. The basic question I ask our employees is, “How long do you intend to work for us? For a month, for two months, for half a year, or for a longer period of time?” Many people do not even understand where they have arrived. This is an important issue. Yes, we are located on the border with the EU, and the Romanian passport gives you great opportunities. Yet, if people see hope in the Republic of Moldova and accept this minimal risk of trying to live their lives in the Republic of Moldova, the country and its people will live better and better.


Approximately 95% of all the company’s products are intended for the automotive industry. ConTeyor started manufacturing in the Republic of Moldova in 2018; before that, since late 2016, it had been acting in partnership with the local company which fulfills the investor’s orders. After that apparently prove-out period of time, ConTeyor took over the business in the Republic of Moldova. The group is present in all the areas of the world, starting with Europe, Russia, Turkey, North America (Mexico and USA), and China. When the factory was taken over in September 2018, it had 56 employees, including over 30 seamstresses. In 2018, they were 100, and by late 2019, it had 200 employees.

The series of interviews "Foreign investors vs. COVID-19" are part of the gratitude campaign addressed to all foreign investors in the Republic of Moldova who during the pandemic demonstrated a high sense of social responsibility, an example model of employee care and proactivity in reconceptualizing the business . Campaign launched by The Moldovan Investment Agency with the support of the ‘Economic Policy Advice to the Moldovan Government’ project, implemented by GIZ Moldova with the financial support of the German and Swiss Governments.