
 Moldova IT Park

"Moldova IT Park" is the main focal point if acces to best services and incentives in the IT sector, which has proven its uniqueness by being a virtual structure which operates in a multistakeholder gouvernance model. In 2020 - more than 500 residents from 30 countries


 A single tax of 7% on the sales revenue
 Acknowledged globally -the best ecosystem practice by International Technology Union (2019)


 Free Economic Zones

FEZ are excellent platforms suitable to export-oriented manufacturing companies, which intend to benefit from a preferential customs and tax regime. There are 7 FEZ & 34 subzones in Moldova.


 0% CIT For a period 3 (5) years when investing at least 1 (5) million USD
 0% VAT no Excise and Custom duties
 Ten years state guarantee on legislation changes
 24/7 custom office on side
 EU border green lane
 Ongoing professional support by FEZ Administration
 0.15 - 3.5 euro/m2 land sales price
 EUR / USD payments among FEZ residents


 Industrial Parks

Industrial parks aim for industrial production, services provision, applied scientific research and/or technological development. There are 8 industrial Parks in Moldova.


 Free re-zoning of agricultural into industrial land EU border green lane (AEO)
 Normative (below market) prices for the purchased land
 Reduced rental price for state land
 Free connection to existing infrastructure in the park
 Minimal state inspection and control practices


 Industrial Platforms

With a total area of about 300 hectares, the Industrial Multifunctional Platforms seek to become real industrial HUBs, centers of interaction between suppliers and producers, connecting Moldova tot the international economic circuit.


 Purposefully designated land and resources
 Road infrastructure
 Electricity, gas, water supply and sewerage systems
 Telecommunications network