The Republic of Moldova has every reason to be proud of highly qualified specialists in various fields, thanks to an excellent system of education and continuous staff training. Workers and free practitioners are esteemed for discipline, diligence, punctuality, and dedication to their professions.

The Republic of Moldova has a population between 2.6 and 2.7 million permanent residents (except for the Transnistrian region and Bender city), structured as a poly-ethnic society. Romanian speakers make up the largest group of citizens - more than 75% (Russian is widely used in the social-economic life and the generations born after the country had emerged independent are fluent in other languages too, especially English.


In the country’s capital, Chișinău (including suburbs), there are around 830,000 residents.

The official statistical data for 2022 indicate that the urban population comprises 1102.5 thousand people, while the rural population accounts for 1501.3 thousand people. Women are in the majority among the population with usual residence (52.3% women and 47.7% men). Average life expectancy is 65 years for men and 73 years for women. The same year the average number of doctors per 10,000 residents was 47.

The young population is looking to work with multinational companies and uses their competences and skills. The economically active population consisted of around 890.0 thousand people in 2022.

Source: National Bureau of Statistics, Regional statistics

In the 2022/2023 school year, the educational system of the Republic of Moldova included 1,479 early childhood care and education (ECCE) institutions, 1,218 primary and secondary schools, 90 vocational education and training (VET) institutions and 21 higher educational institutions. Vocational education is an integral part of the national education system oriented towards training and development of specific skills and competences, in order to have prepared pool of workers for the national economy and companies. Vocational education provides training in a profession according to the harmonized European framework of qualifications, as required by the labor market.

Enrolled students and graduates of the upper secondary and higher education institutions, 2022/2023