Attend Moldova Business Week


Why Invest in Moldova?

Economic climate
  • Vision to access EU by 2030
  • Free trade agreements with 47 countries giving access to a 1bn consumers market
  • 10 industrial platforms and 6 free economic zones
  • First e-Park in Europe - Moldova Innovation Technology Park
  • Numerous Trade Agreements with EU
Running a business in Moldova
  • Business entity registration within 24 hours
  • 57% business activities are digitised, target: 75% by EOY 2024
  • E-signature widely used and accepted
  • 48th position in the Ease of Doing Business ranking
Fiscal Incentives
  • 0% corporate income tax for retained earnings
  • 7% flat tax on revenue for IT and business outsourcing companies
  • 25% cash rebate for TV production and additional 5% rebate for promoting Moldova thematically
  • 50% investment subsidy for screened, eligible investments exceeding 500,000 EUR
  • Moldova top 13th country with equal men and women economic opportunities
  • Simplified work permit procedure for 47 countries
  • N2 worldwide IT specialists per capita
  • Multilingual: providing services in 14 languages

Investment platforms

To support investments, Moldova has created several types of platforms which facilitate investments and create communities of businesses. Each of these have certain financial stimulus, but most importantly - infrastructure support, being it digital or physical, providing investors with the opportunity to start asap their venture.

Moldova Innovation and Technology Park

Over 1800 residents and over 23000 employees
Europe's first e-Park, offering a unique advantage of a flat 7% tax rate on revenue, guaranteed until 2035, digital flexibility, and a flexible IT visa program with access to global talent.

Industrial Parks

10 industrial parks in Moldova

Delimited territories in which industrial production, services provision, applied scientific research and/or technological development are carried out under some preferences.

  • Normative (below market) prices for the purchased land
  • Reduced rental price for state land
  • Free connection to existing infrastructure in the park

Industrial parks are categorized into three types:

  1. Type A: General-purpose, diverse industrial production and tech commercialization.
  2. Type B: Specialized in digital tech, creative industries, R&D, and innovation.
  3. Type C: Multifunctional, small-scale local production.

Free Economic Zones

6 FZ in Moldova

Moldova's Free Zones (FZ) serve as excellent platforms for export-oriented manufacturing companies seeking to take advantage of preferential customs and tax regimes. These zones offer several benefits, including:

  • Exemption from Customs Duties: Companies that only import and export, without selling on the local market, are not required to pay customs duties on imported goods and materials.
  • Simplified Customs Procedures: The FZ provide streamlined customs procedures, enhancing operational efficiency for businesses.
  • Expedited Construction Process: Companies building production facilities within the FZ can benefit from a faster construction process, bypassing certain building requirements.

Strategically situated near borders or in major cities, these zones boast robust infrastructure and access to essential utilities. Their proximity to key transport infrastructure—such as roads, railways, and ports—further enhances their appeal as logistical hubs. Allowed activities within the FZ include storage, packaging, transportation, logistics, and utilities, supporting a wide range of business operations.

Explore sectors

Renewable Energy
Creative Industries
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